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Master Algorithm for Sustainable Maritimization; Holistic Maritime Power and Maritimization Model

Master Algorithm for Sustainable Maritimization; Holistic Maritime Power and Maritimization Model

Prof.Dr. Nurhan Kahyaoğlu

By the geographical discoveries in the 15th century, the importance of the seas became more prominent, and humanity realized that it could benefit more from the sea. Although the effort to explore the space has been started not more than 65 years, the oceans have throughout the history been a vital resource for humanity, an alternative for transportation and trade, a tool of prosperity and civilization and a source of inspiration for humankind.

This historical process can be called as maritimization. Maritimization; the sustainable use of oceans/seas is the basic element of the development of civilization. It is inevitable that multinational companies are steering the world economy with the globalization in economic, social and technological terms. Maritime also be affected by globalization together with the striking and rapid developments in the field of communication. It would not be correct to consider maritime separate from globalization, and globalization from maritime. As in the chicken and egg situation, evaluation of globalization without the concept of maritimization will never yield a satisfactory result, because; maritimization is one of the dominant dynamics of globalization. In fact, as more than 80% of the oceans are still waiting to be explored, this can be achieved by a comprehensive and holistic model of sustainable maritimization.

It is obvious that there is a necessity to create a model that will cover all the components of the seas/oceans/waters including the interaction of each component with each other. For “maritime power” to implement and develop a holistic vision; To apply and, to develop a holistic vision, “maritime economics”, “seapower”, “maritime vision”, “maritime culture”, “maritime education” are discussed as the five basic components for “maritime power” (Kahyaoğlu, N., Çetin, O., Irak, D. M., 2020). For to develop the model those questions must be asked; Have maritimization been adopted as an ideal? What is holistic approach for maritimization? The answer is simple; it is to take into account all the benefits throughout the three layers of the sea/oceans/waters, which are; the surface (near coast and far seas), the above-sea up to the near atmospheric layer and, the underwater surface i.e. the interior of the sea and the sea-bottom including all the resources under the sea floor of the whole exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In the most general sense; it is to be emphasized that it covers everything related to the sea/oceans/waters, such as geographical, hydrographic, oceanographic, geomorphological, atmospheric, etc., in and on and, under the every layer (3-Layer) mentioned above (nkconsultum blog 2022).

This 3-Layer Holistic Maritimization Model (3-Layer HMM) is deemed as a puzzle-game (puzzle approach); one can define it as “obtaining different shapes by combining parts”. But, if any of the aforementioned components; the maritime economic vision, sea power, maritime vision, maritime culture, maritime education and, any of their subcomponents are missing, the model cannot be established (nkconsultum blog 2022).

To achieve these three results mentioned, states benefited economically from the seas by the three layers such as subsoil-natural resources, subsurface-fishing, surface-transportation etc. The seas have always maintained its importance as an economic power and gravitational field for all ages. Countries have had to create naval power for the protection of their maritime economy. For these economic and security approaches to be sustainable, states need the maritime vision. The maritime vision carries economic and military development beyond the horizon. And also, the basis of sea power, maritime vision and maritime economy is based on well-trained manpower. Well-trained manpower needs a maritime education with a planned, coordinated, holistic approach, and a maritime culture for the formation of maritime awareness in the public. For these reasons, the 3-LHMM, which will provide the results of security of country, wealth of nations and innovational and libertarian thinking ability, was established with these 5 basic sub-elements.

Therefore; it is inevitable to implement HMM in order to be a maritime country in a holistic way and to make maritime sustainable. A study by a group of researchers on this issue is currently on going in Turkey. Our aim is to develop a logical model—a master algorithm—in which the interactions of all components of maritime and maritime power can be evaluated simultaneously, with an approach that does not exclude any maritime-related elements, including all sub-elements in the definition of a sustainable maritimization. By using the data obtained from the open literature, with inferential statistical methods applied to the 3-Layer Holistic Maritime Model (3-LHMM) the first results of this study has been obtained.

Figure 1. Results (out-puts) of Maritimization (Kahyaoglu, Çetin, Irak, 2020)

As depicted in Figure 1. security of the countries is an essential out-put of this approach because all navies all around the world are mainly built for the security of the nations. But the claim about the Wealth of Nations and Innovational and Libertarian Thinking Ability needs a scientific support. In this sense, correlation and regression tests are the suitable way to see the relation between data and to give a decision, so the inferential statistical methods are used to analyze the relations in between. As an example; the relation between the two main results of maritimization process Wealth and Innovational and Libertarian Thinking Ability and Maritime Power was analyzed by inferential statistical methods by correlation and regression tests with the software for statistics SPSS 20.0. The relation between Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) and Gross National Income (GNI) is analyzed from the sight of Wealth-Maritime Power relation. Thereafter, the relation of Capacity for Innovation (CI) and LSCI is analyzed from the sight of Innovational and Libertarian Thinking Abilities - Maritime Power relation.

For the Wealth and Maritime Power relationship evaluation in the concept of the relation between Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) -dependent variable- and Gross National Income (GNI) –independent variable-, 44 countries were selected for correlation and regression analyses. To depict the strength of relations the Pearson and Spearman correlation tests were carried out. For both two tests, their correlation was found significant at the 0.01 level id est. so one can say that GNI and LSCI have a relation and have effects to each other. But, the important point here is the strength of this relation. Correlation coefficient is 0.502 in Pearson Correlation test and 0.458 in Spearman Correlation test. So, it can be affirmed that there is a significant relation but not so strong relation since the two variables includes many other variables. GNI has wide range and assisted by more sectors from agriculture, industry to construction and etc. On the other hand, Liner Shipping Connectivity Index does not include all maritime power topics. There are many other maritime economic areas. Moreover, maritime power is a notion includes not only maritime economic areas, but also sea power, maritime culture, maritime vision and maritime education. That’s why the relation’s strength is in expected level.

According to these results; it is concluded that, countries that have developed their maritime power continuously have gained the ability to expand and deepen their security areas and, also have developed their prosperity. Those are the countries that have created their maritime power and sustainable maritimization process with the components mentioned above.

Now, let's add a few related terms and concepts to expand the subject; data science, databases, data mining, statistics, clustering analysis, artificial neural networks, deep learning, algorithm analysis, theory of algorithm, genetic algorithm, machine learning, artificial learning, smart machines, fuzzy logic, decision making theory, decision support systems, decision trees, multilayer sensors, Naive Bayes classification systems, classification algorithm... One can reproduce this list. All these terms are associated with artificial intelligence (AI). In artificial intelligence, the most striking aspect is that different applications of AI are based on only a few algorithms.

Figure 2. AI Techniques for Decision Management

For example, the Naive Bayes algorithm which is a probabilistic machine learning algorithm based on the Bayes Theorem, used in a wide variety of classification tasks is used in the health sector with a holistic approach; it is discussed in open sources that there is a learning algorithm that can diagnose the patient in a very short time, when symptoms, patient's test results, and special information about the patient are used as data.

Figure 3. Decision Support Management Balance for Sustainable Maritimization

Suffix; although developments in transportation and in communication technologies determine the development of globalization, for sustainable maritimization, which is the dominant dynamic of modernization and globalization, should be handled holistically. In this context, maritimization is supposed to be a process that needs a long term plan with a model such as 3-LHMM and should be well managed during a planned period of time on the course of this model. In order to determine a scientific explanation for the results and outputs of the 3-LHMM a quantitative algorithm is needed. For the upcoming researches; developing a maritimization algorithm for the quantification of the models might establish harmonious relations to fulfill the understanding of maritime power-sea power in unison. For the development of maritime and for sustainable maritimization this must be the main goal. For this it is necessary to establish an algorithm, “Decision Management Algorithm for Maritimization" supported by any of those digital intelligence techniques mentioned above.


- Çetin, O., Irak, D. M., Kahyaoğlu, N., ‘A comprehensive model for a sustainable maritimization: 3-Layer Holistic Maritimization Model’, Maritime Policy&Management, Volume 47, 2020 –issue 8.

- Kahyaoğlu, N.,’Bütüncül Deniz ve Denizcilik gücü için çözüm önerileri’,

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